Courses  >  

Port State Control

Entry Criteria:     All Officers

Course Schedule:  

From DateTo DateLocation 
07-08-202408-08-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply
22-08-202423-08-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply
11-09-202412-09-2024Webinar (Mum)Apply

Duration (Theory Only) :     2 Days

Course Description

Port State Control have recently become very stringent and are using computer-generated matrix is to target substandard ships. The detentions and deficiencies noted during an inspection is available for anyone to view over the internet and an adverse report could jeopardize the earning capacity of the vessel. It is important that the ship staff understand the implications of such inspections and prepare the vessel to pass such inspection with a clean slate.

Course Objective

At the end of the course, the candidates should:
  • Realize the need and purpose of Port State Control Inspections.
  • Know the provisions under which Port State Control acquires the authority to inspect and detain ships.
  • Know the procedures to be adopted by Port State Controls under IMO Resolution A. 787(19)
  • Know the general rules followed by Port State Control for targeting vessels for inspection.
  • Be able to prepare the vessel effectively for a Port State Inspection.
  • Be able to assist the inspector in the conduct of the inspection in a professional manner/

Contents of the course

  • Port State Control Inspection Procedures as laid down by IMO Resolution A787 (19).
  • Preparing for a Port State Control Inspection.
  • The Inspection - Its Conduct.
  • Type of Deficiency Report and Grounds for Detention.
  • Reporting Procedure and Corrective Action - On Receipt of a PSC Deficiency Report.
  • Port State Control Statistics on Deficiencies and Detentions - Pitfalls and Common Deficiencies Reported.

Please find below the list of documents required to get on the first day of the classroom course.
  1. 2 passport size photographs,
  2. Copies of Passport, CDC, COC & INDOS No.